teenage drug abuse

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Staying busy to stay sober!

All of us have to stay busy to stay sober

I once heard the expression “Idle hands are the devils workshop.” Boy is this true! Despite me having all this sobriety under my belt I still find it’s easy to “drift” when becoming bored. I can recall when first getting sober just how important staying productive was to staying clean and this apparently just never changes.

Now that things are slowing down for me and our CD “Serenity” is almost complete, and all my traveling is done, I find myself once again “bored”. As most addicts will tell you, we have a hard time sitting and staying still. Trying to relax is almost impossible for us. Our minds are constantly racing, especially mine! Currently, I run a non-profit called “We Are One”, promote our “Rock Star Super Star” brand, make all our videos, write all our verbiage, plan, strategize, and develop all our programs and initiatives and I am still bored! Being bored has always equated to stinking thinking and this time is no different. That’s why now I am having to get out there and look for a job! Its not that I need that cash flow, it’s that I need that stimulation. I’m an MCSE so I don’t believe I will have an issue finding work and for that I am grateful.

My point is this. If you have a child in recovery, get the out of their rooms and out and about with you. Not only will you be helping them stay sober just one more moment, you will also strengthen the bond that should exist between parent and child which studies have shown help kids stay sober. Thoughts? Email them to me at super@superstarsuperstar.com or visit me at www.superstarsuperstar.com

Super Star

P.S Enjoy the new video!

I made it because I chose to stay sober just one more day, and you can too!

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