teenage drug abuse

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A 36 year-old addict with nothing? Hardly…

A 36 year-old addict with nothing? Hardly…

I know one of these people. He is a brilliant guy. At least he thinks so. He is smart, charming, witty, some say handsome, but he’s also an addict. Because of his addiction, to this day has no car, no possessions or even clothes to call his own. Most think he does, but its true. He has no money, nothing. Really? Nothing? Well I guess he does have one thing going for him and I think he knows it. Its today’s sobriety. This is what he is using to help others succeed where he failed. So after reading this would you call him a failure? Some have, but he does not let things get to him anymore.

He is resilient, persistent and knows he can weather this storm if he wants to bad enough and have anything that he desires providing he stays on this path. His perseverance is beyond anyone’s that he knows, he knows this, and because of it, will ultimately win the race.

I know him well. He has more than he thinks. After all, he has his dreams and no one can ever take them away. Or can they?

Because he is sober, he is frantically working towards them as we speak. He wants to make each and everyone one of them a reality. Not just for himself but for others around watching him to know they can do it themselves if also sober. He is working hard, working diligently. His dreams are waiting for him and he’s closer to them than he has ever been. His dreams are the only thing he has to hang onto anymore. They represent the hope and possibility that things can and will get better if he just tries hard enough.

His dreams are to continue reaching out and helping those that may be afraid to ask for help themselves. His dreams are to continue his work alongside his brother in conveying to as many people that will listen to how important sobriety and responsibility really is. His dreams are to someday soon, finally become a respected member of society and not just “a worthless drug addict.”

I know this guy all right and I am proud to say its me.

Most people think my brother and I have everything, but we don’t. We only have each other and are just like you. We are constantly struggling with our inner demons and suffering the consequences because of them. And also just like you, we get up and try and try again to do things right because we know that one day, we will be looking back on all this and smiling when knowing where we finally got it right.

-Super Star

Please pass this on if you feel it can help someone.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful testimony to the Grace of God we all need but few accept~
