teenage drug abuse

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It’s ok to relapse, really!

It’s ok to relapse, really!

Well let me explain before I get into trouble and spell out what I am saying so it’s very clear and not misinterpreted in anyway.

Ok I sound a bit whacked I know. Especially when it’s so important for consistency regarding your days clean. But honestly, it all about the day that’s present. That is all that matters. I don’t care if you or I relapsed yesterday, its all about today. That is all that matters so don’t beat yourself up over it if you fell recently.

As I said recently in a Facebook post, I too struggle with addiction on a daily basis. Struggling with addiction does not always mean with your drug of choice either. It’s the way an addict thinks and it’s the stinking thinking that always leads to trouble. So yes I struggle with addiction issues and it’s an every day battle.

Something happened to me yesterday that was a prime example of how my addiction is waiting for me and growing stronger with each passing day. It’s no doubt waiting for me and today I choose to tell it to go elsewhere and thank god I do. If you make it to bed sober tonight gang, you have won the battle for today now worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

Family members sometimes forget that the addict does sense an overwhelming sense of failure and despair during a relapse. I know they do because I rememeber seeing it first hand. Members of ones family quickly grow tired of the excuses and rightfully so. They are tired of the “I’m sorry’s.” Again, rightfully so. But so are we. We are tired of letting others down and it’s important to let the “normies” know and understand that we are trying and that one day we will get it right if we want to bad enough. So, don’t abandon us completely, let us know on some level you are there rooting for us to “get it right.” Also be strong and aware as to never let us manipulate you and never ever enable us in anyway. That will be a huge factor in our success.

So its ok to relapse! Just don’t do it again, starting NOW!

If you feel this can help, pass it on!

-Super Star

1 comment:

  1. For each day has enough trouble of its own so do not worry or fret about tomorrow. Today is the only day we are to be concerned with. Life is NOW be alive NOW be happy NOW today is your day and not one of us is promised a tomorrow. Make a difference in your own life by being the best you today~
