teenage drug abuse

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get real, drugs are at our schools and are easy to get.

If you like what you read here, please visit the We Are One Foundations website at www.weareoneonline.org to see how you could help me help others stay sober.

Drugs at school.

I read a report that in the year 2006, “more than 60 percent of teens were aware of drugs being sold, used, or kept at their school.” Knowing what I do now, I am not surprised at this. However, when I was in high school, I had no clue that drugs were so readily available. My point? Do not be naive. Drugs are at all our schools and are there for the taking. What are you going to do to help your son or daughter make the right decision?

It starts at home.

Right off the bat I can think of a couple things. One being to establish a clear family position on drugs. It's okay to say, "We don't allow any drug use and children in this family are not allowed to drink alcohol. The only time that you can take any drugs is when the doctor or Mom or Dad gives you medicine when you're sick. Tell them why you made this rule and don’t be afraid to “get” real about it. Tell them that you love them very much and don’t want to see them get sick because that’s what drugs will do to them. Also, don’t be afraid to tell them that drugs can kill. They need to be afraid of them. I wish I was. I also wish my friend John who died last month from an overdose were . Unfortunately, it’s too late for him but it’s never too late for you to warn your kids about the seriousness of drugs. Ask them if they have questions and talk to them as often as you can about this, because when you’re not talking to them, rest assured someone else is.

In addition, be a good example

Children will do what you do much more readily than what you say. So try not to reach for a beer the minute you come home after a tough day; it sends the message that drinking is the best way to unwind. Offer dinner guests non-alcoholic drinks in addition to wine and spirits. Moreover, take care not to pop pills, even over-the-counter remedies, indiscriminately. Your behavior needs to reflect your beliefs. Kids are very intuitive and so so much smarter than we adults often give them credit for. Always know that they are watching and emulating their heroes, believe it or not, its you.

I know it must be tough being a parent and having to try to protect your kids from the dangers that surround them day in and day out. We’d like to think that the schools that we send them to were some sort of safe houses for them but they are increasingly becoming more dangerous than ever before. That’s why its important to stay on top of this subject at home and in the schools themselves.

If you would like to have Super Star and Rock Star at your children’s school to talk to them about drugs then check out our programs via our website at www.weareoneonline.org.

Super Star

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