teenage drug abuse

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kids and chewing tobacco. Could it be a dangerous precursor to drug use?

Be sure to visit our other Teenage Drug Abuse Articles below!

Kids and chewing tobacco. Could it be a dangerous precursor to drug use?

Just like smoking cigarettes, chewing smokeless tobacco can eventually rip apart your body and kill you. It is that simple. Chewing tobacco causes cancer and the last time I checked, cancer was a killer.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20% of high school boys and 2% of high school girls use smokeless tobacco. Of the 12 to 14 million American users, one third are under age 21, and more than half of those developed the habit before they were 13.

Now the question is, could chewing tobacco ever be a stepping-stone to harder drugs? The answer is YES. If you think I am wrong, then read on.

Peer influence is just one of the reasons for starting the habit but other reasons could and do exist. My proof is myself. As we all know, I suffer from substance use disorder. My addictive behavior almost killed me – that was until I learned how to kill it, or at least keep it in check. Once I learned how to deal in the real world without having to run to something else to use as a coping mechanism I was set free from its bond but make no mistake, I too was allured by chewing tobacco. Disgusting isn’t? This beautiful mouth full of that nasty brown tobacco juice. I cringe thinking that I used to do it.

Its started many many years ago before the drugs and was a way for me to catch a buzz without getting easily caught. It was easy to hide from my mother who wasn’t often home anyway. The fact that my own twin brother didn’t know about it (until he reads this) just astounds me to this day. Quickly, I graduated from brands that delivered less nicotine to the stronger ones. Why? Because I needed a stronger buzz! With each use, I needed a little more of the drug to get the same feeling. Sound familiar?

The feeling wasn’t a good one either. More nauseousness than anything else but I didn’t care because as long as I was worrying about not having to throw up after each dose I wasn’t having to deal with my other issues I had going on at the moment. Sad way to live and thank god it did not turn into a bad habit – BUT, it did lead me to another one. Once that buzz wasn’t enough, I went searching for a new one.

The point is I did it to escape. Some kids in school (and beyond) do it because it makes them look cool or because Dad does it. (Shame on you Dad!). But no matter what the case is, it can kill you and I am living proof it can be a precursor to other drugs. So if you see your kids chewing tobacco, get them help, and not just to stop either. Remember, this may be a first red flag for you to investigate what else might be going on in their lives.

About me: I am Super Star (yes, that is my legal name). I have earned that name – and accomplished what many people would consider impossible – because I chose to stay sober one day at a time. I left the crack houses to mingle with Hollywood’s elite, ending up working with all of my childhood musical heroes, and have now found my purpose in life after surviving an almost 15-year battle with the disease of addiction.

Currently, I am an advocate for kids in recovery from substance abuse (and prevention as well) in Malibu, California, as well as from my home in Chicago, a sober companion to many, director of a non-profit that helps those struggling with recovery, and passionate speaker to kids about the issues of drugs and addiction.

I am also an author and musician. I am currently finishing my work on the book, “The First 30 Days to Serenity: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Staying Sober,” which can be pre-ordered here. I have also just wrapped up the recording of Serenity, a first-of-its-kind CD created in conjunction with my twin brother Rock Star solely to combat addiction. “Serenity,” was produced by a Grammy-winning producer and features many of our musical heroes, who have come together to help us tell our story in an effort to help others through their own addiction struggles. Guests on our CD include current and former members of bands such as Kiss, Heart, The Goo Goo Dolls, Dokken, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well as many more. It rocks – musically and inspirationally – and can be found here

Pass this on if you feel it can help someone and feel free to visit us at www.rockstarsuperstarproject.com


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