teenage drug abuse

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Finding hope where I least expected it

zak cropped 300x184 Finding hope where I least expected it – in a Heavy Metal band

Circle II Circle and friends...

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Finding hope where I least expected it.

In my blogs, I often convey how hope and courage are necessary tools to combating substance abuse for both teens and adults. Because of my own personal struggles, this subject matter comes easy for me. It’s fun and just the thought of knowing that I still hold out hope for so many things makes it that much easier for me to stay enthusiastic about them. Hope burns deep within me and is what inspires me to continue.

Last night I went to see a heavy metal concert featuring a band called Circle II Circle. It wasn’t just me going to see a metal band though, it was much more than that. It was a chance for me to see an idol of mine in action. In my eyes, a legend. His name is Zak Stevens. If the name sounds familiar is because it should. He used to sing for a heavy metal band called Savatage, now known as the hugely successful Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Zak is a classically trained vocalist. My twin brother and I Rock Star have followed him during the length of his career. He has never been one to put on a less than stellar performance. This is true for both his studio recordings and his live performances. When my brother and I set out to recruit vocalists for our Rockstar Superstar Project “Serenity” CD, Zak was on top of the list of the people we wanted at approach.

Circle II Circle also consists of members Zak Stevens – Vocals, Paul Michael Stewart – Bass, Andy Lee – Guitar and Johnny Osborn – Drums. They are currently touring in support of their new CD Consequences of Power. I don’t want this to be a concert review but rather some insight on an age old lesson, “Life is too short,” so I’ll stop and just say they blew everyone away in attendance with their remarkable set.

I don’t wake up living anymore to find my next hit of drugs. That alone was challenging. The day to day grind of answering to my addiction was excruciating and exhausting. My drugs were my boss and to them, I was just their employee, serving to them every minute, every day. What a waste. Life is too short to live for anything or anyone but yourself; I was reminded of this last night.

I believe the four guys that make up this heavy metal band also have this life is too short mentality. How many people in your life do you know that would give up so much, to do what they love? To give up the conforming that society expects from the majority and to go out and do as they please. Do you do what you enjoy or do you answer to everyone else? And if the latter, are you truly happy with the life that you have chosen or will you have regrets at the end of it all? I know I won’t and I imagine these four guys that played in front of me last night won’t either. They are warriors. Constantly in battle with the naysayers and those who tell them to “get a real job.” To me, the real job was discovering that what you do to survive never should really be a job. To have the courage to do what these four gentleman and many other artists do takes courage and demands all of our respect. Artists are leaders not followers.

Our story that surrounds our Serenity release is very similar to what I was able to witness last night. While watching Zak and the crew nail the live performances off their new disc Consequences of Power, I was able to see how hope and perseverance and the gull to live for yourself and not others, is more awe-inspiring than the alternative. This gives me continued hope and tells me that I myself am on the right path. I do believe this is why I was able to find my recovery from substance abuse, because I did it for me, not for you.

For an adult, I think success should be measured by continuing to meet your own milestones and expectations, not those handed to you from a boss or other professional peers. It should never be measured by how much money you have or by how many friends you have. What matters is “Are you happy?” when you fall asleep. So are you?

And for you teens, let this heavy metal matters session also be a lesson. Aspire to do what you want with your life. Don’t do what you think just for the sake of making others around you happy. Do what makes you smile from within. If you like sports, don’t play for dad, instead play for yourself. If you like rock music, crank it up to 11 and don’t ever allow anyone to tell you to turn it down. If you like art, aim for becoming the next Picasso, study, perfect your craft until you get to where your vision takes you. By doing this, you will find happiness and Serenity and a life full of treasures. I know I finally discovered mine.

I think my overdose from heroin was what led my brother and I to wake up and realize the importance of dream catching. When we were young, we had always dreamed of the day we would be doing what we are doing now. We just had to find the courage to try. No matter what path you choose, those that choose their own, like Zak and the rest of the guys in that band, will become legends – and that isn’t a bad thing!

zak1 300x234 Finding hope where I least expected it – in a Heavy Metal band

Zak Stevens the Rock Star

Daring to dream to someday work with all your childhood heroes, going for it and making it happen? Priceless!!!

Then having your favorite Rock Star wear your own trademarked Rock Star T-Shirt on stage? BONUS!!!

Life is too short, go out and get everything your heart desires!

-Super Star

Help us help others realize their dreams, purchase your own Rock Star t-shirt TODAY

Got a question for me? Enter your email on the right side of this page.

About me: I am Super Star (yes, that is my legal name). I have earned that name – and accomplished what many people would consider impossible – because I chose to stay sober one day at a time. I left the crack houses to mingle with Hollywood’s elite, ending up working with all of my childhood musical heroes, and have now found my purpose in life after surviving an almost 15-year battle with the disease of addiction.

Currently, I am an advocate for kids in recovery from substance abuse (and prevention as well) in Malibu, California, as well as from my home in Chicago, a sober companion to many, director of a non-profit that helps those struggling with recovery, and passionate speaker to kids about the issues of drugs and addiction.

I am also an author and musician. I am currently finishing my work on the book, “The First 30 Days to Serenity: The Essential Guide to Staying Sober,” which can be pre-ordered here. I have also just wrapped up the recording of Serenity, a first-of-its-kind CD created in conjunction with my twin brother Rock Star solely to combat addiction. “Serenity,” was produced by a Grammy-winning producer and features many of our musical heroes, who have come together to help us tell our story in an effort to help others through their own addiction struggles. Guests on our CD include current and former members of bands such as Kiss, Heart, The Goo Goo Dolls, Dokken, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well as many more. It rocks – musically and inspirationally – and can be found here

Pass this on if you feel it can help someone and feel free to visit us at www.rockstarsuperstarproject.com

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