teenage drug abuse

Monday, November 8, 2010

Four Loko is killing our kids!

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Newsflash: Four Loko (Phusion Projects) doesn’t care about you!

Did you know that drinking a whole can of Four Loko is the equivalent of having almost 5 shots or 5 beers? Yup, Four Loko’s contain 12 percent of alcohol in each can, equal to four beers. That’s pretty steep.

What does this all mean? It means that this drink can potentially kill you!

To a lot of people that like to drink, this may sound like music to ones ears, but for others, it may mean a trip to the ER and the possibility of death.

I am appalled by Four Loko’s parent company, Phusion Projects. Their blatant disregard is obvious, it stems from nothing more than greed. They are preying upon people, especially teens, who want a buzz strong enough to knock them out cold. Literally! I wonder if Phusion Projects ever stops to think about the underlying reasons why so many kids are reaching for their beverage.

I have proof of my own that Phusion Projects doesn’t care about its consumers. I have spent all week trying to get a hold of someone that might want to help me shed some light as to why this company feels it’s ok to feed this rubbish to our kids, and all my phone calls and emails have been ignored. You would think that a company like this would go above and beyond trying to promote responsibility on things other than its website. Which by the way, is only there to entice the reader into purchasing its supposedly sweet concoction of alcohol, sugar and caffeine. I wasn’t at all fooled by their attempt to cover up their true marketing initiative by some lame graphics and trivial questions so neither should you. This drink needs to be banned!

Caffeine only adds to the false impression of invincibility that alcohol creates and I have no doubt it’s been leading to some very unfortunate circumstances for the younger demographic that its marketing itself to.

“My friend drank two cans and I drank one and a half,” one student tells The Hurricane. “That half was the difference between life and death.”

Life and death! Do you hear that kids? This is serious. Don’t drink it!

It’s been referred to as a “blackout in a can” and for some kids the results are far worse.

Four Loko masks the taste of alcohol with heavy amounts of sweets and carbonation. This to me is proof that the intent is to entice the younger age bracket. After all, what kid doesn’t like a glass of Hi-C, which this has often been referred to. And what adult do you know that would reach for a glass of Hi-C when out amongst friends? None! That’s my point!

And what’s with all the caffeine? Here’s what! The caffeine may make you feel like you’re not getting drunk as quickly, so you will undoubtedly ingest more of their beverage, that is until you’ve way overdone it and 911 has been called. With a promise of such a kick, what inexperienced, youthful teenager trying to impress friends or drinking as a means to escape wouldn’t want to slam one of these back?

So since I couldn’t get a hold of anyone at Phusion Projects to respond to my calls, my message to them is: Hey Phusion Projects! Want to really reach out, get your side of the story out there? Then return my calls and countless emails, I’m waiting.

But I won’t hold my breath.

Got a question for me? Enter your email on the right side of this page.

About me: I am Super Star (yes, that is my legal name). I have earned that name – and accomplished what many people would consider impossible – because I chose to stay sober one day at a time. I left the crack houses to mingle with Hollywood’s elite, ending up working with all of my childhood musical heroes, and have now found my purpose in life after surviving an almost 15-year battle with the disease of addiction.

Currently, I am an advocate for kids in recovery from substance abuse (and prevention as well) in Malibu, California, as well as from my home in Chicago, a sober companion to many, director of a non-profit that helps those struggling with recovery, and passionate speaker to kids about the issues of drugs and addiction.

I am also an author and musician. I am currently finishing my work on the book, “The First 30 Days to Serenity: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Staying Sober,” which can be pre-ordered here. I have also just wrapped up the recording of Serenity, a first-of-its-kind CD created in conjunction with my twin brother Rock Star solely to combat addiction. “Serenity,” was produced by a Grammy-winning producer and features many of our musical heroes, who have come together to help us tell our story in an effort to help others through their own addiction struggles. Guests on our CD include current and former members of bands such as Kiss, Heart, The Goo Goo Dolls, Dokken, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well as many more. It rocks – musically and inspirationally – and can be found here

Pass this on if you feel it can help someone and feel free to visit us at www.rockstarsuperstarproject.com

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