teenage drug abuse

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tending to an addict can become a sober person’s addiction.

Tending to an addict can become a sober person’s addiction.

My getting and staying clean didn’t just impact me and my brother. My train wrecked trail of total devastation affected everyone around me. Many of those closest to me had become trained by my actions. Always tending, babysitting and cleaning up my mess. But what happens to those people when someone like me finally decides to stop using drugs?

Often confusion.

When I stopped, I saw those closest to me scratching their heads wondering what to do with themselves next. It was apparent they had become so used to taking care of me that they had forgotten how to live for themselves. My constant drain on their free time caused them to lose their own identity somewhere along the way.

When an addict stops using, it’s common for his/her caretakers to have to look into their own mirror for the first time in years. They no longer have a scapegoat to point the finger at for things and this then forces them to look into their own mirror and in a new and sometimes not so glamorous light. I have seen this firsthand. Now that I am sober I can clearly see who has been willing to discover and deal with their own issues that they have ignored, and those whom have decided to hang on to their past and avoid them.

It’s important for everyone that plays any role in the disease of addiction to work on becoming healthy. Recovery doesn’t just apply to the one suffering from substance use disorder; it applies to everyone in that circle. Recovery is for everyone to enjoy!

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About me: I am Super Star (yes, that is my legal name). I have earned that name – and accomplished what many people would consider impossible – because I chose to stay sober one day at a time. I left the crack houses to mingle with Hollywood’s elite, ending up working with all of my childhood musical heroes, and have now found my purpose in life after surviving an almost 15-year battle with the disease of addiction.

Currently, I am an advocate for kids in recovery from substance abuse (and prevention as well) in Malibu, California, as well as from my home in Chicago, a sober companion to many, director of a non-profit that helps those struggling with recovery, and passionate speaker to kids about the issues of drugs and addiction.

I am also an author and musician. I am currently finishing my work on the book, “The First 30 Days to Serenity: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Staying Sober,” which can be pre-ordered here. I have also just wrapped up the recording of Serenity, a first-of-its-kind CD created in conjunction with my twin brother Rock Star solely to combat addiction. “Serenity,” was produced by a Grammy-winning producer and features many of our musical heroes, who have come together to help us tell our story in an effort to help others through their own addiction struggles. Guests on our CD include current and former members of bands such as Kiss, Heart, The Goo Goo Dolls, Dokken, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well as many more. It rocks – musically and inspirationally – and can be found here

Pass this on if you feel it can help someone and feel free to visit us at www.rockstarsuperstarproject.com

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