teenage drug abuse

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Killer in a can gets sentenced

fourloko 300x168 Killer in a can gets sentenced

Killer in a can gets crunched... A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the harmful effects of a drink called Four Loko. A deadly cocktail that many refer to as “Blackout in a can.” I reached out to Phusion Projects for some responsible answers as to why they would release and market such a potent cocktail to our nation’s youth. I of course was blatantly ignored.

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Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration told the manufacturers of seven caffeinated alcoholic beverages like Phusion Projects that their drinks are a “public health concern” and can’t stay on the market in their current form.

I liked hearing this. In fact, I was up and pinned to the radio awaiting the FDA’s verdict this afternoon. As soon as I heard it I practically jumped up and down with excitement. Yes, I am that guy. I do care about the lives of others.

The move follows a year-long review by the FDA, which gave the companies 15 days to either reformulate their products or face possible seizure under federal law, said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, the agency’s principal deputy commissioner. Experts have said the caffeine used in the beverages can mask the effects of alcohol, leaving drinkers unaware of how intoxicated they are. For me, lines of cocaine did the same thing. It completely obliterated my sense as to how much alcohol I had consumed. Caffeine, cocaine, same thing in my eyes. Mixing either of them with alcohol; I can’t ever recall not waking up a morning after one of these nights without some crazy consequence to have to deal with.

Phusion Projects has a right to do business and make a fortune but no right to put anyone’s life in jeopardy. I am happy the FDA made this swift move and curious to see what Phusion Projects will do next. They need to do more than take the caffeine, guarana, and taurine out their drinks. They need to step up and use this lesson as one that can serve as a lesson to us all. It would have to come from a much higher level of thought than they might be used to but if done right, it’s a thought that can lead them into a much more powerful position than the one they just were taken from.

Adults and teens will be watching to see if this company can become a responsible one or one that will continue to hurt others for the sake of profit. I know I’ll be watching!

-Super Star

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Kris 31 199x300 Killer in a can gets sentencedAbout me: I am Super Star (yes, that is my legal name). I have earned that name – and accomplished what many people would consider impossible – because I chose to stay sober one day at a time. I left the crack houses to mingle with Hollywood’s elite, ending up working with all of my childhood musical heroes, and have now found my purpose in life after surviving an almost 15-year battle with the disease of addiction.

Currently, I am an advocate for kids in recovery from substance abuse (and prevention as well) in Malibu, California, as well as from my home in Chicago, a sober companion to many, director of a non-profit that helps those struggling with recovery, and passionate speaker to kids about the issues of drugs and addiction.

I am also an author and musician. I am currently finishing my work on the book, “The First 30 Days to Serenity: The Essential Guide to Staying Sober,” which can be pre-ordered here. I have also just wrapped up the recording of Serenity, a first-of-its-kind CD created in conjunction with my twin brother Rock Star solely to combat addiction. “Serenity,” was produced by a Grammy-winning producer and features many of our musical heroes, who have come together to help us tell our story in an effort to help others through their own addiction struggles. Guests on our CD include current and former members of bands such as Kiss, Heart, The Goo Goo Dolls, Dokken, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well as many more. It rocks – musically and inspirationally – and can be found here

Pass this on if you feel it can help someone and feel free to visit us at www.rockstarsuperstarproject.com

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